Twins Turn 2!

Happily, emotionally drained from a fun day with our family. The twins are now TWO! How did that all happen so quickly?

Brooklyn has this amazing way of being the light in every room. So cheerful. Running each way, in every direction. Hazel eyes that say so much. A smile that makes you smile. She sleeps so sound. She took care of her new baby so well today. She’s going to be a great Mama. And I love that she loves Legos as much as me and her brother. Her new favorite word is Yep!

Bryn seems to always be thinking. Her blue eyes melt your heart. She is quietly (sometimes) demanding of her ways. Her love of fruit snacks is funny, while her hate for car seats is frustrating. But, I love that she knows what she wants. Even at two. She loves to count when we walk up the stairs and has the best giggle!

Happy Birthday Girls! It’s been so fun watching you both grow up with each other as little friends.

All About My Baby Boy

We’ve been going non-stop lately with parties, shopping, gift exchanges… So, the real time spent with my little man has been extra special. Maybe it’s because I’m pregnant and know that two babies are going to be here soon. Maybe it’s because B is just growing up so fast. Or that the awful shooting last Friday of those 20 children is still on my mind. I just can’t get enough of my Blake.

What I’ve been loving lately about him:
1. He calls Mike and I: Dad and Mom (no more Daddy and Mommy)
2. His favorite thing to do after his bath is turn on Michael Jackson and dance with us.
3. He loves his glazed doughnuts.
4. He loves to help me cook and Mike clean.
5. His favorite song to sing is It’s a Small World.
6. He feeds the babies Chili Cheese Fritos so that the spices stick to my belly.
7. If I can’t get up easily (this belly is growing!), he says, “I’ll help you!”
8. His favorite movie right now is Home Alone.
9. He has best friends: Tanner and Austin who he always talks about.
10. When I make him breakfast, he says, “Yum Momma this looks good. Thank you.”