No problem.
I just paid a huge stack of bills, Mike’s at an interview, and I have to pick up our big guy from the pricey pre-school in a few minutes. So, two months ago, when we got the news that we’d be down to one income, I freaked out. How in the world are we going to survive?
We stuck together and had free (or really cheap) outings with the kids. We’ve explored new parks, like the one below in Laguna Beach, and got sandy at the beach the other day. A $1.99 pack of water balloons has been our best friend too!
We also redid a room for basically nothing to give it new life. The girls love it! And, made friends with Lizzy the Lizard in our backyard who always comes around when the kids are outside.
We read up on blogs, like Money Saving Mom, that offer great coupons and ways to save on just about everything (why am I obsessed with these free eBooks?).
And, we even went out on a date night to a Lakers/Clippers game because we bought the tickets awhile ago and decided to get away for a few hours. Note: Got on the Kiss Cam! (More for my memory than anything.)
I know that very soon this life of freaking out over pennies is almost over but I don’t want the things above to go away because of it. As Blake would say, “You get what you get.”