Ben Turns Six Months Old

This little guy. His smile melts my heart. He’s always so happy. Loves being outside, especially in his bouncer watching the other kids play.

During the official ‘six month’ week, Ben:

Got his first tooth. Bottom one. Thankfully, I have a lot of Otter-Pops in the freezer to help with the other teeth coming in…that just don’t seem to want to come in. Ahhh!

Started scooting along. Then the crawling began not long after. He does this cute thing with his leg when he sits so he’s propped up and won’t fall backwards.

Tried his first few bites of rice cereal, and hated it like all the kids. So we went to apples with a little help from big sister and her tablespoon.

We love you Ben!

Twins: Six Months Old

It’s time to eat! Today, the girls tried rice cereal for the first time. We threw down our big beach blanket, grabbed their Bumbo seat, and got started! As you will see from the pictures, one baby was all in to it and the other didn’t understand what was going on. We attempted to take videos of each girl taking their first few bites with a wild Blakey in the background. He was so excited to be a part of this momentous feeding (shoving the spoon into Bryn’s mouth) occasion. Next up–more rice cereal, veggies, and homemade biscuits!

Another month older and both are full of personality! Brookie loves to laugh and smile…if you’re laughing and smiling with her. If you just sit there and stare at her, she usually won’t budge and will give you that stare right back (it happened a few days ago to the very serious Target cashier). Bryn, although more laid back, can not get enough of her brother. He could be jumping off the couch, riding his bike or brushing his teeth and she sits there just giggling away at him. I’m excited for the day when they can all play together.

Cheers! To another month older!