Night at the beach

After many nights of restlessness, summerness, and just all around boredom (really?!), we decided to take a quick trip to the beach for dinner. We packed up Daddy’s new go-to grill and some meat and ended up on a perfect flat spot. Doheny/Capo Beach… we will be back for night time din-din’s.

The weird thing is–We go here about every other day. Why not dinner?! I need to think about spots like parks, beaches, pools, etc. that we normally do during the day. Ahhh… next summer there may be a plan in place!

God It Feels Good To Be a Gangster

*The only reason why I titled this post the way I did is because “Fired” just seemed too harsh. At the very least, Office Space rings a bell.

We are in a weird spot of losing a job, probably putting the house up for sale, cutting coupons, and stressing about buying a Red Bull.

The great thing is–we have the BEST kiddies. I still have my job, that I’m learning to love again. We have the ability to sit back for a moment and figure out what we want to do with our lives. I recently was told (while being hugged by a friend) that, “This was meant to be. You will be better in the long run.”

With these kids, who wouldn’t be ok?

want / read / do

January. A time to start all over again.

And what better way than to finish reading a book that has collected dust on my shelf and plan for the new year, all while wearing $20 comfy pants (in tall!) from Old Navy? Here’s to 2014–time to make more time doing the things I love and miss doing (like reading) and buying a few things just because!

Where to get it: want / read / do

Around Here: Learning

Months ago, I noticed that Blake was going crazy on the days he didn’t have school. The twins needed even more of my attention. The house was becoming more of a disaster (still is). And, my poor guy was acting out in a bad way.

So, I searched and found some really cool websites (here and here) that featured crafts for kids. Some activities had to do with upcoming holidays and others had to do with just plain learning and teaching him something new. Nowadays, we spend at least an hour or two sitting at the kitchen table tracing, writing our name or learning our letters. And, if the weather is right (which it usually is) we play store or water our plants.

It’s amazing to me that he knows how to write a ‘B’ or knows that his friend, Cash’s name starts with a C. And how to set a table?! Gosh, he’s growing up!

Blake: First Day of Preschool

It’s that time again! Blake’s first day of REAL preschool. The year before was pre-preschool or something like that. Boy, was he excited to return. We packed up the kids and as a family of five walked him into his classroom. Before I could get a pic of him in his new class with his new teacher (we love!), he had bolted outside to find his friends. :) I did get one though (see below)!

Even though he’ll be in school three days a week, I’m planning on starting to do some projects at home with him the other two days. I’m hesitant to use the term “home school” because there is no way I can juggle a 40-hour work week from home, twin girls, and a home schooling curriculum. But, as I read more and more blogs, I’m finding such great resources that are easy to print out and stick to. I’m starting here with a cool Monsters University pack!

To another year of learning…

River Rats

Last weekend, my Dad invited us on a family trip to the “River house” outside of Laughlin, NV. It was fun, a little tiring with a sick Blakey, and a memory we will treasure. It was B’s first time on a wave runner (those pics are on Mal’s camera but, believe me, he had fun).

Highlights included: Our first real road trip with Blakey who was AMAZING and didn’t get cranky at all; a highly enjoyable meal of carne asada, thanks to Jay; watching two little cousins play and swim together (sharing is still a struggle but I know that will pass); the gun show (see pic below); swimming in the pool; watching video of Mal take Fearless Blake down the huge water slide; and spending time with family.

Here are a few shots to share: