Last Friday, I went in for another ultrasound/blood work to check for Down Syndrome. This is the first of many appointments at the main ultrasound place. Because I’m carrying twins, I have to flip back and forth from my regular doc to the ultrasound place. Sounds ok to me! More pics to share of the little ones.
At the time they took these snapshots, Baby A was being difficult (and actually at the regular doc appointment, he/she was being a little crazy… limbs moving every which way!) and Baby B was sitting and waiting for his/her picture to be taken. I wonder if this is how it’s going to be once they arrive. :)
Still craving peanut butter. Soup, crackers, and cheese pizza are my go-tos. Veggie sammies are up there too. I can’t stand the smell of french fries or really any fast food. My skin reminds me of when I was 13 and breaking out everywhere (chest included.. HOT). And.. last but not least, I barely fit into my clothes. I’m excited though…I’m finally feeling better and not so…”I feel like I want to barf” every time I eat, brush my teeth, walk up the stairs.

Post coming soon about Blakey’s FUN, yet quiet, birthday party we had over the weekend. He’s going to be such a great big brother to these two.