
So.. the new year is upon us and I haven’t blogged in who knows how long. And to top it off, I’m a day late on this new 52 project I wanted to do over the course of 2014.

I got this idea from another blog I follow and thought it was perfect.

The theme is this–take a picture (of your kids), once a week, every week, for the next year. So, here it goes. One day late on the first week but I promise to catch up. I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you see these babes below.

Brooklyn: Standing up and watching her brother play outside through a dirty window.
Blake: Decided he wanted to do manly work, so we got this piece of wood from the garage so he could hammer some nails. Watch the toes!
Bryn: Teething and not sleeping so well these days.

Around Here: Learning

Months ago, I noticed that Blake was going crazy on the days he didn’t have school. The twins needed even more of my attention. The house was becoming more of a disaster (still is). And, my poor guy was acting out in a bad way.

So, I searched and found some really cool websites (here and here) that featured crafts for kids. Some activities had to do with upcoming holidays and others had to do with just plain learning and teaching him something new. Nowadays, we spend at least an hour or two sitting at the kitchen table tracing, writing our name or learning our letters. And, if the weather is right (which it usually is) we play store or water our plants.

It’s amazing to me that he knows how to write a ‘B’ or knows that his friend, Cash’s name starts with a C. And how to set a table?! Gosh, he’s growing up!

Grand Wailea: Our Maui Trip

To celebrate an early 10-year anniversary (and me turning the big 3-4), we decided to fly over the Pacific to one of our favorite spots–Maui. Since hub works with a lot of people who live in Hawaii, he asked them where to stay and all of them agreed on the Grand Wailea.

It was breathtaking. After we checked in, we went straight to the pool which has amazing reviews. Pretty kid-friendly with tons of water slides, a rope swing, water falls, lazy river… You get the picture. We skipped all of that and went straight to the adult-only pool (aww..quiet), ordered one too many mai tais, and ended up at the swim up bar with some great people from Louisiana and Arizona.

The next few days we ate YUMMY fried rice for breakfast at Fred’s, went swimming at the Secret beach just south of our hotel (there were really only a few of us there), and ate sushi at Sansei in Kihei (go late for half off sushi and karaoke). The few locals we met were extremely nice and pointed us in the right direction when it came to happy hours and “special” beaches where bathing suits are optional, if we were up for an adventure.

One more post to come of the last part of our trip. Aloha!

Twins: 7 Months Old

I’m officially scared. The girls are perfecting the “scoot” and are EVERYWHERE. One day we were saying, “Oh that’s cute. They are using their arms to move to get the ball a few inches away.” And now… Yeah, this is definitely going to be interesting. Scooting, then crawling, then walking. Yikes.

Both are so adorable though. They look completely different and I actually think of them so separately that they aren’t just twins, they are sisters. I especially enjoy Blake interacting with them more and more. If only they would sleep through the night…


-Likes to observe you when you eat. I have a feeling she’s going to be like me, open to trying new foods.
-Has a contagious grin.
-Can’t get enough of the Baby Bjorn.


-Loves her carrots.
-Can not only scoot but has perfected the crawl stance. She’s ready to go once her little legs get stronger.
-Is the toughest to get dressed. She’s squirmy!

Blake turns 4 and has a Pirate Party!

I’m finally getting around to this. I swear life is getting so hectic and crazy that I just found time to type this up while on vacation. More on that later!

Weeks ago, our baby boy turned four years old. Our Blake. So full of energy and life. Testing our patience (alot lately) when he wants more attention. Cracking us up with his little language. Just a few of my favorites over the past few months:

– Let ME watch MY sisters. You guys go in the other room!
– Mine is going to be the biggest beanstop (beanstalk).
– Mommy, you have to cover your mouth when you hiccup.

I live for the moments when he wakes up and is this little angel who wants to sit in my lap and watch cartoons. Or when he hugs us both and says, “You guys are my best friends.” He’s wild and crazy but I couldn’t imagine having a little boy who wasn’t just that.

We threw him a pirate party with a few friends and a lot of family. Ate pizza, “planks” (celery and carrots), “shark bait” (kid snacks), “swords” (fruit kabobs) and “fish and chips” (goldfish crackers and potato chips). I got most of my ideas from this site, including the food labels. We dressed up as pirates and took pictures. Jumped around in the bounce house–his one and only request. And opened way too many presents. Thanks Mom and Mal for taking pictures all day. They turned out great!

Happiest Birthday Blakey Boo. You make our life a great adventure!

Twins: Six Months Old

It’s time to eat! Today, the girls tried rice cereal for the first time. We threw down our big beach blanket, grabbed their Bumbo seat, and got started! As you will see from the pictures, one baby was all in to it and the other didn’t understand what was going on. We attempted to take videos of each girl taking their first few bites with a wild Blakey in the background. He was so excited to be a part of this momentous feeding (shoving the spoon into Bryn’s mouth) occasion. Next up–more rice cereal, veggies, and homemade biscuits!

Another month older and both are full of personality! Brookie loves to laugh and smile…if you’re laughing and smiling with her. If you just sit there and stare at her, she usually won’t budge and will give you that stare right back (it happened a few days ago to the very serious Target cashier). Bryn, although more laid back, can not get enough of her brother. He could be jumping off the couch, riding his bike or brushing his teeth and she sits there just giggling away at him. I’m excited for the day when they can all play together.

Cheers! To another month older!

Two Girls Get Married

A few months ago, my sister-in-law got married. It was such a great day with friends and family. The day before the wedding, we drove the “few” hour drive north to Santa Barbara and stopped at the pier. Gloomy at first, but it was amazing by the end.

I’m so excited for these two beautiful friends of mine to be together forever. Their ceremony was one of the most emotional ones I’ve been in-and to-in a long time. I wish nothing but the best for them as they begin their life as a married couple.

Here’s a few pics I took (top two) and a few I stole from the wedding photographer’s blog. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a huge fan of his work!

Congratulations Michelle and April! Such a beautiful day of love and friendship.

Happy 35th Birthday!

Over the weekend, my hub turned 35. Is it just me or once you hit like 28, time starts flying by way too fast? Mid-30s always seemed so far away.

Anyway, I surprised him with going out to dinner with our friends and then drinks at a local dive bar. It was perfect. The bar even had an 80’s band. His favorite. Saturday morning was spent opening presents, dunking yummy sugar cookies into our coffee, and playing with the kids. Saturday afternoon we took off to our favorite beach. Sunday, his parents threw all of us Fall birthdays a special party. Three cakes later, we ended the weekend totally exhausted and completely not ready for the week ahead.

I hope you had a great birthday weekend, Bob. I have so much fun with you! xoxo

Blake: First Day of Preschool

It’s that time again! Blake’s first day of REAL preschool. The year before was pre-preschool or something like that. Boy, was he excited to return. We packed up the kids and as a family of five walked him into his classroom. Before I could get a pic of him in his new class with his new teacher (we love!), he had bolted outside to find his friends. :) I did get one though (see below)!

Even though he’ll be in school three days a week, I’m planning on starting to do some projects at home with him the other two days. I’m hesitant to use the term “home school” because there is no way I can juggle a 40-hour work week from home, twin girls, and a home schooling curriculum. But, as I read more and more blogs, I’m finding such great resources that are easy to print out and stick to. I’m starting here with a cool Monsters University pack!

To another year of learning…

Twins: Five Months

Today, the girls turn another month old and it seems like time is just slipping away. I can’t get enough of their sweetness and giggles and watching them interact with Blake. To see their faces light up when he is jumping on the bed or playing outside is such a treat. His gentleness with them surprises me everyday.


  • is having a horrible time teething. Her favorite things to chew on are a rattle, an Eeyore stuffed animal, a teething feeder, and my shoulder.
  • stands up like she’s a two-year-old. We are in trouble if she decides to skip crawling.
  • loves people but when she’s in a crowd where everybody is looking at her, she freezes and starts to cry. No doubt got that from me.


  • is also teething but you would never know it. She chews the side of her finger and is happy as can be.
  • loves to hold her sister’s hand.
  • enjoys playing on her tummy and batting around the baby wipes.

Happy Fifth Month Baby Girls!