33 Weeks

Today was a two-part doc appointment and I anxiously awaited to hear how much these babies have grown. Twin A is four pounds, four ounces and Twin B is four pounds, two ounces. I now know what my mom felt when she was carrying me… a big eight plus pounder.

The ultrasound showed that their heads are together (cute!) on my right side and the feet are facing down (also together) on the left. No wonder one side of my body feels completely beat up.

Contractions. Uncomfortableness. Feeding frenzies. Daily intake of Tums. I’m ready!

Pic, courtesy of myself because I get ready about one day a week and it’s usually at a time Mike isn’t around. And then by the time he does get home, I’m back in comfies. Add: “Can’t get myself dressed because I fall over” to the list above.