Our Beloved Beatrice

After searching and searching for a picture of this amazing woman, I still can’t find a single one. I guess that’s why she was so special. Not really interested in getting in pictures and all that attention.

She was so sweet. So kind. So overly generous with her willing to help others.

Today, we learned she passed away from ovarian cancer.

She gave all she had to take care of Mike’s mom.

She took care of me when I had a miscarriage. She taught me how to change Blake’s diaper the right way. She was there, blanket under Blakey’s armpits, teaching him how to walk. She taught me how to sew again (and I still have one of her sewing machines). She bought me a wooden tortilla maker from Mexico when I said I wanted to learn how to make her amazing tortillas.

And, most recently, she was in our thoughts when we were talking about getting a nanny for the girls. She embodied everything I wanted, to be with our kids, and with us.

She was amazing.

As Blake said, “She’s with Grandma Jeanne up in the sky?” :)